
In the Telecommunications industry, we have provided legal counseling to companies that actively participate in the domestic system of satellite data and ancillary voice transmission, granted during the ENTEL (State National Telecommunications Company) privatization process, as well as to licensees for national and international long-distance telephone services and internet services.
We have also represented companies engaged in the trunking services business and in supplying radio equipment in the country.
In the internet content field and the area of delivery of information through the internet, our Firm has actively participated in the start-up and legal structuring of several companies such as in an important Argentine based internet site, and the registration of domains and legal conflicts to it.
The Firm was selected by the Argentine Ministry of Economy and Public Works, together with the National Economic Research Association (NERA) and the law firm Denton Hall, both based in London, U.K., for the consulting work destined to the harmonization and strengthening of the regulatory institution of the National Telecommunications Commission (CNC) and the establishment of a set of fundamental principles to guide the CNC in carrying out its regulatory responsibilities. The World Bank financed the endeavor.
The Firm also provides legal advice to call center services providers in matters regarding their establishment, applicable legislation, national and international contracting, human resources and labor risks and claims raised by clients and third parties.