Adriana Senatore is Partner of Estudio BUNGE since 2004.

Practice Area

Adriana´s specialization areas are Civil and Commercial law, Health Law, personal data protection and Consumer Defense Rights. Adriana advises national and international companies in the contractual and regulatory fields in her expertise areas. She also advises service companies, health professionals, health service providers, pharmaceutical companies and malpractice risk and professional responsibility insurance companies, informed consent, medical history, insurances, health services contracts, and procedure to obtain required approvals from the Administración Nacional de Medicamentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT).

Her practice areas are judicial disputes and arbitral proceedings. She also serves as arbitror in Centro Empresarial de Mediación y Arbitraje.

  • Adriana obtained her law degree from the Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 1985.
  • She graduated with Honors.
Admissions and Memberships
  • Adriana is admitted to practice law in Argentina and is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. She is member of the Asociación Argentina de Ética y Compliance (AAEC).

Languages: Spanish, Italian and English.

(54911) 5281 6000

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