Orlando D. Pulvirenti


Practice Areas

Orlando specializes in Public Law, with an orientation to Administrative and Local Government Law. Since 1989, he has worked in the private sector, as well as in the national, provincial, municipal and Buenos Aires city public sector.

  • He graduated as a Lawyer and Notary Public at Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
  • Specialization in Labour Law – Supreme Court of Justice, Buenos Aires Province (1990).
  • Master of Law Degree (LLM) – University of Miami (1996).
  • PhD in Law – Universidad de Buenos Aires (2010).
Academic & Professional Experience
  • Manager of Legal Affairs – National Radio and TV Broadcasting (2020 – ).
  • National Director at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Argentina (2016 – 2020).
  • Manager of Legal Affairs – National Institute of Films and Audiovisual Arts, Buenos Aires, by tender (2010-2016).
  • Director of the Commission of Justice, Buenos Aires City Council (2007-2010).
  • Advisor – Judicial Council of the City of Buenos Aires, impeachment (2009).
  • Partner – Estudio Bunge – Bunge, Smith & Luchia Puig (2003-2007) –
  • Member of Steel, Hector & Davis LLP, head of public law department.
  • Associate Lawyer, Estudio Bunge – Bunge, Smith & Luchia Puig (1999 – 2003).
  • Charter reform advisor, Entre Ríos Province (2008).
  • Advisor – Chamber of Deputies of Argentina. Comission of Justice and Human Rights (2002-2003).
  • Provincial Director – Council for Minors, Buenos Aires Province (1999-2000).
  • Advisor – Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Agreement – Ministry of the Interior – Provincial autonomies, communal administrative regulations and collaboration of municipalities Project – Santa Fe Province, Argentina (1997).
  • Advisor – Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires Province (1997 – 1999).
  • City Councilman – Municipality of Junín, Buenos Aires Province (1993-1997).
  • Representative – Ministry of Production, Buenos Aires Province (1993-1995).

Orlando teaches Administrative Law in some universities:

  • Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires – School of Law and Social Sciences. Associate professor of “Human Rights”, Buenos Aires, Argentina (since 1999).
  • Legal Counsel and Solicitor General School (Escuela de la Procuración del Tesoro del Estado Argentino) (since 2007).
  • Professor – General Government Advisory Board, Buenos Aires Province, Municipal Law (since 2016).
  • Professor – School of Political Science and Government, Universidad Austral (2019).
  • Universidad Católica Argentina –School of Law– Head Professor – Provincial and Local Government Law (2008).
  • Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil – Course on human rights – Visiting scholar (2007).
  • Universidad de Morón –School of Law – Municipal Law Postgraduate (2007 – 2008).
  • Universidad Nacional de La Plata – School of Economics – Public Administration Postgraduate– Guest Professor (during different periods since 2001).
  • Universidad Católica del Salvador – School of Social Sciences – Associate Professor of International Politics and Geopolitics, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1994).

Orlando has published various books and more than three hundred articles on public law. Additionally, he has participated in conferences around the country and abroad, and he has worked for international organizations.

Admissions & Memberships
  • Doctoral thesis jury member in the Master’s in Magistracy and Judicial Law program at Austral University, for Dr. María Gattinoni’s thesis, “The Enforcement of Inter-American Court of Human Rights Judgments in the Province of Mendoza” (August 4, 2014).
  • Jury member for the Competition for the Chair of Administrative Law at UNNOBA (August 2014).
  • Evaluator for the Yearbook of International Law publication in Brazil (2013 and 2014).
  • Evaluator for CONEAU degree programs (2012).
  • Member of the Argentine Commission for the Fight Against Cybercrime, appointed by Joint Resolution of the Chief of Staff and Ministry of Justice of the Nation (2011).
  • Evaluator for the Pontifical Xavierian University of Bogotá for its 2011 publication.
  • Arbitrator for the Independent Film and Television Association in the United States, specializing in film rights.
  • Member of the Argentine Municipal Network (Since 2007).
  • Corresponding member of the Federalism Institute at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina (Since 2007).
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Administrative Law Supplement of La Ley Publishing (2006).
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Res Pública Argentina Magazine (RAP Publishing) (2006).
  • Member of the Municipal Law Forum – Argentine Federation of Municipalities – University of Morón – Argentina (2006).
  • Member of the Constitutional Law Institute of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (Since 2004).
  • Secretary of the Public International Law Institute of the National Academy of Law (Since 2004).
  • Member of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Justice (Since 2016).
  • Member of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Law (Since 2002).
  • Member of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (1990).
  • Member of the American Bar Association (Student Division) United States (1995-1996).

Languages: Spanish / English

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