Humberto Guardia Mendonca

Practice Areas
Humberto’s expertise is focused in Competition and Antitrust Law, coupled with profound proficiency in Administrative and Regulatory Law. His dedicated practice is committed to navigating the complexities of legal frameworks, ensuring strategic solutions for our clients in a dynamic business landscape.
- Humberto obtained his Law degree from the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA), School of Law and Social Sciences (Argentina) in 1988.
- Humberto obtained his Master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from ESEADE – Escuela Superior en Economía y Administración de Empresas in Buenos Aires in 1993.
- Humberto obtained his Master of Arts in Development Management and Policy degree from Georgetown University, United States of America, in 2005.
Academic and Professional Experience
- Former Postgraduate Professor in the Special Course on Antitrust at Universidad de Buenos Aires from 2012 to 2013 (Area: Economic Concentrations).
- Former Postgraduate Professor in the Special Course on Antitrust at Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Argentina in 2007.
- Former Professor of Public Procurement (Legal Framework Area) – Specialization in Public Procurement – from 2006 to 2008 at Universidad Nacional de San Martín.
- Researcher (Scholar in Residence) at the Foundation for Economic Education – NYC. 1998-1999.
- Advisor to the Bloque Federal: Deputy Pablo Kosiner and Deputy Sergio Ziliotto, before the Commission for the Defense of Consumers, Users and Competition of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation in the period 2017-2019. In his role, Humberto advised on the reform of the Antitrust Law in the period 2017-2018.
- Former First Vice President of the National Antitrust Commission from 2008 to 2015. Executive duties in Administration and Technical areas.
- Former Member of the National Antitrust Commission, from 2004 to 2015.
- Technical Coordinator: Antitrust Chapter MERCOSUR. Period 2011-2015.
- Chief Negotiator of the Antitrust Chapter: Trade European- Unión Mercosur Treaty – 2009.
- International Consultant for the consulting companies Trade Development Institute of Ireland (TDI) and Euroinvest (Republics of Ecuador and Guatemala). World Bank and IDB Projects. Periods 1999-2001 and 2003-2004.
Admissions and Memberships
- Humberto is admitted to practice law in Argentina and is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.
Languages: English and Spanish.